Irene M C Soldavini PhD
Resources and Useful Information
If you are in crisis and need to speak to someone urgently, please make use of the following information
24-hour telephone helpline. Call 116 123 or email
UK telephone helpline for young people feeling suicidal or those concerned about them.
Monday to Friday, 10 am – 10 pm. Call 0800 068 41 41 or email
Get Connected
UK telephone helpline for young people under 25 who don’t know where to turn.
Monday to Friday, 1 pm – 11 pm. Call 0808 808 4994 or text: 80849
Breathing Space
Confidential telephone helpline in Scotland for those experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.
Call 0800 83 85 87,
Edinburgh Crisis Centre
24-hour telephone helpline. Call 0808 801 0414 or email
LGBT Helpline Scotland
Telephone helpline in Scotland for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, those questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity and their families, friends and supporters. Tuesday and Wednesday 12 pm – 9 pm. Call 0300 123 2523 or email,
Further Resources
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Well Scotland
The national mental health improvement website is run for the Scottish Government by the NHS.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
A service for bereaved adults across the UK, run by the bereaved for the bereaved.
Call 0300 111 5065 or email
Grapevine Disability Information Service
Providing up-to-date, reliable and accessible information to disabled people and their supporters in Edinburgh, East Lothian and Midlothian.
Call 0131 475 2370 or email
Edinburgh Self-Harm Project
Provide user-led support to people aged 16+ at risk of self-harm. Call 0131 221 9607
LGBT Health and Wellbeing
Provides support, services and information to improve health and wellbeing, reduce social isolation and stimulate community development and volunteering. Provide donation-based counselling services. Call 0131 523 1100 or email
Switchboard LGBT+
Confidential helpline, instant message service and email support.
Call 0300 330 0630, email,
Saheliya is a specialist mental health and well-being support organisation for black and minority ethnic (BME) women and girls (12+) in Scotland. Call 0131 556 9302 or email
Alcoholics Anonymous
For anyone who wants to stop drinking. Call 0800 917 7650
Crew 2000
Information about drugs and drug addiction. Call 0131 220 3404
Rape Crisis Scotland National Helpline
Free telephone helpline. Daily from 6 pm-12 am. Call 08088 01 03 02 or email
Edinburgh Women’s Aid
For women or children experiencing domestic abuse. Call 0131 315 8110 or call 999 in an emergency.
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
24-hour telephone helpline. Call 0800 027 1234.
LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline
Telephone helpline offering emotional and practical support for LGBTQI+ people experiencing domestic abuse. Call 0800 999 5428 or email
The Survivors Trust
National telephone helpline for survivors of rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse. Call 0808 801 0818
Anxiety UK
National telephone helpline to relieve and support those living with anxiety disorders. Call 08444 775 774
An online resource to guide and help find ways to understand, manage and overcome post-traumatic stress.